are Penis Extenders effective?


Penis Extender has a better function. Unlike radial sound waves, which generate a lot of energy on the skin, focused shockwaves release energy into the target tissue. Radial shockwaves also cause pain and require local anesthesia; Concentrated shockwave will not cause pain and does not require the use of anesthetics.
The speed of the waves created in the penile extender method is 1500 meters per second. The waves generated by the radial penile extender instrument travel at a speed of 20 meters per second, which is much slower than the speed of sound.
Concentrated shockwave does not cause pain and has no side effects. Each treatment session lasts less than 30 minutes. penile extender therapy is an outpatient treatment and a person can continue their daily activities after the end of the Penis Extender treatment session. Most patients need several sessions of treatment over a period of 3 to 6 weeks.
In general, focused shockwave is effective in curing pericardial disease. As with any treatment, the outcome of shockwave therapy depends on many factors, and the effect of this treatment option may vary from person to person.
Taking oral and topical medications
Medication for the treatment of pneumonia
In the past, oral medicine, herbs and various vitamins were used to treat pneumonia. Oral medications in most cases have no effect on the treatment of penis enlargement. Topical ointments and oils are also not effective in curing this disease. However, in some cases, oral medications can improve early-stage penis enlargement.


are Penis Extender effective?

Intralesional injection of Penis Extender or verapamil is effective in improving pyrene in many men. The injection should be performed by a skilled and experienced specialist.
In the case of intralesional injection, the doctor injects the drug directly into the plaque. Prior to injection, the penis is anesthetized by injecting lidocaine into the nerves at the base of the penis. The method of injection is very effective in achieving a satisfactory result and the injection should be performed by a specialist. In general, to improve this disease, multiple treatment sessions are used along with plaque penis enlargement (bending the penis in the opposite direction of the curvature). Plaque modeling should be done at home, regardless of how it is injected into the lesion or the drug used to achieve the best results.
